The Art of Giving Back: Strategies for Medical Students Balancing Academia and Service

Mohamed Zeyara
2 min readDec 4, 2023


It takes more than just books and exams to get started in medicine. It is about managing your studies and learning how to assist others. One resource for medical students is “The Art of Giving Back.” It demonstrates how to be excellent at both helping people and finishing schoolwork in a balanced manner. In The Art of Giving Back, the authors examine how medical students can balance their academic obligations with active community service, focusing on tactics that promote learning and social development.

Strategies for medical students to balance both academia and service:

Time Management Skills: Develop effective task organization to excel academically and assist others.

Mixing in helping out: Find ways to do volunteer work alongside studying, like joining health programs.

The Art of Giving Back: Strategies for Medical Students Balancing Academia and Service

Making Useful Connections: Get to know educators, mentors, and organizations that prioritize research and human assistance.

Taking Care of Yourself: Learn how to take care of yourself mentally and physically while handling studies and helping others.

Being Flexible: Be ready to change plans to help when needed while still keeping up with your studies.

Choosing the Right Subjects: Pick classes that match your interests in helping people so you can learn more about them.

Teaming Up with Friends: Work with friends on projects that help others, creating a group that supports each other.

Speaking Up for Causes: Use your school time to talk about issues and tell others about health problems that need attention.

Balancing Act: Make sure your studying and helping don’t get in the way of each other.

The Art of Giving Back: Strategies for Medical Students Balancing Academia and Service

Learning from Experiences: Think about what you learn from helping others, so you get better at both studying and caring for people.


‘The Art of Giving Back’ is a guide that helps students learn how to do well in their medical studies while also learning how to be caring and helpful. By following these strategies, students can learn how to mix both studying and helping people, becoming great doctors who care about others.



Mohamed Zeyara

Mohamed Zeyara is a medical student in Chicago and humanitarian who has helped raise millions of dollars to support underserved communities worldwide.